Smartboard, Flocabulary, GoNoodle, Google Slides. At Newline, we strive to give you smooth and seamless collaboration, always. Arts - Flocabulary provides music to go along with their division/multiplication facts. Our many years of experience challenge us to provide the best products, services, and solutions fit for modern workspaces, schools, and corporations. It's harder than you think and cooler than you can imagine. Consistently leading the way in interactive technology. Category: Music Math Boom Cards Find it Fast Filter Wishlist Popular Products Preschool Piano Pre-Staff Digital BOOM Cards GROWING BUNDLE Aural One-to. This activity has been kid tested and is a must-have for every music room this winter. It’s a 3 second brain break that makes the activity so cool! It’s kid-tested fun! When my students land on “SPLAT,” that is the signal to stand up, beat on your chest like Tarzan while turning around two times and sit back down like a church mouse. See more ideas about music lessons, music classroom, teaching music. When I designed this lesson, the spinning animation feature seemed perfect for falling snow. Explore Cherie Herrings board 'SMARTBoard Music Lessons', followed by 1,428 people on Pinterest.

There is an occasional SPLAT page linked just for fun. When the student is done, they touch the HOME link and the flakes reset for the next student. The students touch snowflakes to complete the assignment. The next link is a page of spinning snowflakes. Music Note Names Players must properly identify the note and place it on the music staff. Arrives by Sat, Sep 24 Buy Math Lessons for the SMART Board: Grades 23: Motivating, Interactive Lessons That Teach Key Math Skills, Pre-Owned Paperback. The game provides great practice in playing from what is heard. Please comment on the lessons that you use. Some I created and some have been created by other music educators. Music Notes Activity Cute little pig plays a sequence of notes and the player must repeat the series. Please enjoy these SMARTboard designed lessons.

When the student is ready, they press, “GO.” This games provides three levels of difficulty.

Linked snowflakes take students to a random page with an assignment to find a note value or a sum. Music + Math - In this activity, students must add and/ or subtract note values to reach a specific sum. Prior Knowledge: Students must know the following note values: dotted half, half, quarter, quarter rest, and eighth note pair
Smartboard music math download#
This activity, for Grades 1-3, combines the best of music and math into an interactive SMARTBoard lesson perfect for the winter months. CLICK A TITLE TO DOWNLOAD A MATH LESSON (all lessons in smart notebook) The content of these presentations are created by teachers and are presumed to be in the public domain.