Regardless which National Weather Service weather map, radar, or satellite picture you view, be sure to first check the time of the image as it will be reported in 24-hour "Z" time. The following tables show z-times for each time zone in the United States and U.S. For example, 00Z in the Central STANDARD Time is at 6:00 p.m.

Z-time does not change with the change for daylight saving time but the local time will change. 00Z for the United States begins in the evening local time. The 24-hour clock (Z-time) begins at midnight (00Z) at this prime meridian. Moving east across the International Date Line means subtracting 24 hours from the clock thereby reversing one day on the calendar. Major Countries in the GMT Time Zone (Using Coordinated Universal Time). This means you advance the clock 24 hours in essence you advance one day on the calendar. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is 7 hours ahead of Pacific Time (PST). Moving west across the International Date Line one moves from the -12 UTC time zone to the +12 UTC time zone. At the meeting of the -12 and +12 time zones is the International Date Line. Time zone offsets are identified as -12 UTC through 0 to +12 UTC with the minus values signifying time "before" or ahead of prime meridian (which is the Western Hemisphere). However, today the individual zone boundaries are no longer straight, nor are they always continuous, as they have been modified for convenience and to satisfy the desires of sovereign nations. With the 360° daily rotation of the earth, the sun is moving 15° each hour which leads to the formation of 24 time zones. Today, one can visit the Royal Observatory and straddle this 0° meridian with one foot in each hemisphere. It is often referred to as the successor of Greenwich. The Coordinated Universal Time, abbreviated as UTC, is the primary standard time used all around the globe for the regulation of clocks and time.

Not adjusted for the Daylight Saving Time. Used as a standard for other time zones all around the world. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time. Coordinated Universal Time Now Time zone. This 0° meridian divides the Eastern from the Western Hemisphere. Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. MariaDB stores values internally in UTC, converting them to the. This is a list of the UTC time offsets, showing the difference in hours and minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), from the westernmost (12:00) to. This was for both for longitude and timekeeping. UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time, and is the world standard for regulating time. settled the matter where it was agreed to establish a single "prime" meridian (0° longitude), passing through Greenwich.

In 1884, a conference in Washington, D.C.